Self motivation: Stay motivated to reach your goals

Self motivation is the ability to motivate oneself to take initiatives and steps to follow goals and accomplishments . It is an internal drive to take action - to create and to achieve. This is what drives you to keep doing things, especially the ones you follow because you want to, not because someone tells you to.

When reaching a big goal, self-motivation plays a key role. But it takes perseverance to make a difference in your life, and many of us find it difficult to stay motivated over time.

When it comes to setting a long-term goal, recovering, changing a mid-life career, or realizing a personal dream, the beginning is easy. You are full of vitality and determination to face the challenge.

However, many of our valuable goals do not happen quickly. It takes hard work, perseverance and discipline to change your life. When results don't come as fast as you expect, or when things don't go right, it's normal to get frustrated and have trouble staying motivated.

Exploring how to find inspiration will help you overcome dips, develop mental fortitude, improve your focus on your goals, and keep you on the path to success. So let's get started!

What is self motivation?
Self motivation
In order to find inspiration, we must first understand what we are talking about.

Motivation is simply the power that drives your behavior. There is a "why" behind everything you do and for whatever reason you can take a cause, commit to an action or work towards a goal. Everything we do is inspired by some combination of conscious and unconscious need or desire.

When we talk about self-motivation, we are going beyond the basic purpose. What we really mean by that is the ability to follow through by making a positive change in life without giving up. For self-motivation you need to believe in yourself, stay motivated and persevere despite obstacles.

In other words, we are talking about grit.

Psychologist Angela Duckworth has studied the characteristics of high achievers and discovered that passion and perseverance are the key drivers of long-term success. Once the buzz of excitement has subsided, the grit takes you further away from the primary purpose behind your goal. Grit takes you to the finish line.

So, how can we learn to use these qualities and develop self-motivation to succeed?

What drives the inspiration?
While self-motivation requires a long-term outlook, it is important to look at what is motivating you to change. The clearer you are about the "why", the easier it will be to focus on what you are doing and to create the life you want.

Sometimes motives can be hidden from the naked eye, hidden in the subconscious, telling us that something needs to change. Desires can evolve, sometimes through a flash of inspiration, and sometimes through self-discovery over time.

You will have an easier time staying motivated by recognizing the motives behind your goals. Being aware of these objectives and their origins improves self-awareness as well as keeps you on track towards goals that are really important to you
Self motivation: Stay motivated to reach your goals

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